September 4, 2020, Hamburg – Aale ‘Eels’ Dieter is not just a living Hamburg legend, but one of the most famous salesmen in Germany. He has been selling eels and salmon at the famous Hamburg Fish Market since 1959, and attracts a huge ‘audience’ every weekend. The German business publication ‘Manager Magazin’ even listed this most famous fishmonger – real name Dieter Bruhn – as one of Germany’s top 10 salesmen. The new campaign by the HVV (Hamburger Verkehrsverbund/Hamburg Transport Association) now sees him as ‘Digi-taale Dieter’ (Digi-teel Dieter – we’re sure you get the gist) advertising their discounted fares. The campaign was developed and implemented by TRACK Hamburg. The agency won the marketing communications account in a pitch last autumn.
Offering a 7% discount on digital tickets (purchased via the app and online), the HVV wants to pass on the VAT reduction to customers and draw their attention to these fares. Occasional HVV customers are to be addressed and encouraged to purchase single, one day, group and supplementary (top-up) tickets via the digital channels. In addition, the campaign aims to boost the general use of these digital channels and increase the number of app downloads.
The multi-image campaign was launched on September 1, 2020 and will run on both paid and owned media channels throughout the Hamburg metropolitan region. It will be run on Facebook and Instagram, and also in print media and OOH. Radio ads will round off the campaign. HVV’s own channels include, for example, in-carriage passenger TV, videos at the service points and the website.
The HVV is responsible for managing and operating all means of local public transport on behalf of three federal states, seven administrative districts and more than 20 public transport operators. This includes all services by bus, harbour/river ferry and rapid transit – (U-, S-, A-Bahn) or regional rail (R-Bahn).
TRACK’s tasks include the conception, development and implementation of marketing communication activities with a focus on customer loyalty. A number of additional one-off projects are also scheduled to be realized.
TRACK is responsible for the complete implementation of campaigns and individual marketing activities in selected areas in both print and digital media. In addition, the agency is responsible for strategically developing and expanding the HVV’s CRM. ‘Aale (Eeels) Dieter’ is TRACK’s first multi-channel campaign for the HVV.
“Who could advertise the new HVV digital tariffs more credibly and with more humour than Aale (Eels) Dieter, Hamburg’s most famous fishmonger? He lets us show that it’s possible to create emotional impact even with topics such as the HVV’s fare disounts,” explains Reza Ramezani, Chief Creative Officer Digital & Data at TRACK.