Vodafone and TRACK personalise six million videos

Hamburg, 19 May 2021 – Vodafone Germany wanted to quickly, and firmly, establish its new claim – ‘Together We Can’ – with its more than 6 million existing customers. Furthermore, it wanted to  emphasise the important role each individual person could play. So to convey this messge, it instigated a type of video personalisation that had never been seen before. Together with TRACK, its Hamburg agency, the telecommunications group developed an automated, modular system that sends each customer a personal film.

It is composed of the following variables: 400 first names, 50 German cities, 50 different data volumes and 20 contract periods given in years. Personalisation takes place on both image and sound level as well as via real-time rendering and Google Maps integration.

In this way, a unique video can be created for each customer. It is based on personal data which facilitates maximum individualization. With this ground-breaking technological achievement, Vodafone has opened up a completely new type of access to its customer base. And it has created a whole new relevance in terms of brand awareness and sales activation.

Hamburg agency TRACK masterminded the idea, development and delivery of the video. Saint Berlin was responsible for film editing and production. And personalization and technical implementation was provided by Wonderland movies.

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