Stop the plastic flood
In Germany, the World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) is best known for its campaigning to protect endangered species and fighting poaching. With its new umbrella campaign – “Stop the plastic flood” – it is firmly committed to tackling one of the biggest environmental problems in the world. This also includes specific projects in South East Asia.
For our key visual, we featured everyone’s darling of the seas – the dolphin. Under the slogan, “We’re really fed up”, it became a striking ambassador for our cause (hashtag #stoppdieplastikflut). In addition to OOH components, online ads and content on the WWF website brought the campaign to digital life.
The plastic pollution problem affects us all, throughout the world. That’s why this campaign is particularly important to us here at TRACK. The result was very gratifying. In the campaign period from November 2018 to February 2019, €1.6 million was raised in donations.
TRACK has already successfully generated funds for the WWF with its ‘Stop Poaching’ campaign. Dramatic images show close-ups of animals staring directly and intently into the observer’s eyes as they tell their own painful ‘personal’ accounts of their disturbing ordeals.
With this approach, the WWF initially reached its most important target group – media decision makers. Their incredibly generous support then meant that 80% of all advertising placements were free of charge. As a result, significantly more people were able to see the campaign than we had ever imagined. A huge 1,253 billion paid media contacts were established via print, online and TV.
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