Digitalization has profoundly affected the relationship between consumers and brands. Who really owns brands now? Who can influence them? And how can we influence the consumer experience?

What’s clear, is that more and more touchpoints (interactions between consumers and brands) are characterized by automation and personalization. The boundaries between service, marketing, and sales are becoming increasingly blurred in companies around the globe. And this is making it ever more important for brand awareness and consumer experience to be managed and implemented by the same specialists. At TRACK, we combine a deeply rooted understanding of data-driven customer management, digital touchpoints, and creative communications – and support marketing departments in facing whatever challenges digitalization may thrust upon them in the future.

Brand Awareness

Exciting creative work as well as the power to fascinate target groups, attract attention, and generate interest is how companies have been selling their products and services for decades. Even if today’s connected world has seen a lot of changes over the years, good ideas, expertly implemented in the ever-expanding channels, reach their audiences more quickly than ever before. We manage the communications of major German brands such as ERGO, ERGO Direkt, airberlin, and Lindt – as well as the range of products/services they offer.

Customer Experience Management

Whether it’s big data, smart data, personalization, or marketing automation, there’s one area that’s changed almost beyond recognition – CRM. For years, it was a market that was primarily characterized by traditional customer loyalty programs with collect and redeem mechanisms. But through digitalization, and above all mobile internet usage by consumers, it has seen the development of modern, highly individualized marketing platforms that operate in real-time. Segments and profiles that pool together increasingly different groups of consumers for marketing purposes are now being replaced by systems that effectively react to the behaviors of individual consumers and respond as is appropriate for the brand.

 Digital Touchpoints

If you’re committed to the cause of understanding customers’ needs while making use of marketing automation – then in our opinion, you should be able to develop, design, and implement digital touchpoints. We place great emphasis on our ability to put consumers’ attitudes and behavior in the center of focus. No customer sees a company through the eyes of one of its employees. No one searches the content of a website according to range nomenclature. The trick is to create content and structure that operationalizes consumer behavior to the benefit of a company – without counteracting it. So does that mean it can look good, too? Yes, of course. But only when we know that we can reach enough users and are sure that the content doesn’t get lost in the jungle of the cyber universe.

One-stop shop

We often hear about organizations that boast a myriad of experts in a variety of fields – all under one roof. But that’s a long way from ensuring successful working relationships or a common perspective. In the last few years, we have worked intensively on how best to connect and fuse our expertise, to enable a collaborative, integrated work environment. We have thus established three key methodological approaches.

Planning, CRM consulting, and digital strategy are all in one department, which is jointly run by managers from the three disciplines. Right from the very beginning, issues are considered from all three perspectives. Throughout the agency, we work with Design Thinking, a method that follows clear procedures and practices, but lets our specialists with different expertise develop ideas and innovations together. And most importantly, TRACK is organized transparently. We deploy a social enterprise platform (Podio) throughout all projects and working processes – with the single aim of allowing anyone to bring his/her own particular expertise to the table.